Prairie Warbler, Verona Lane
Bird Expert correctly identifies LED lights as a Painted Bunting.
Swallow Tail Kite, Harns Marsh
Woodstork in Flight, Mediterra
Palm Warbler, Mediterra
Young Black Crowned Night Heron, CREW
Yellow Pine Warbler, Harns Marsh
Little Blue Heron in flight
Great Crested Flycatcher, Verona Backyard
Juvenile Bald Eagle, Mediterra
Eastern Bluebird, Mediterra
American Kestrel, Verona
Rudy Turnstone, Big Carlos Pass
Great Blue Heron, Big Carlos Pass
Osprey, Big Carlos Pass
White Ibis, Little Estero Lagoon
Brown Pelicans, Little Estero Lagoon
Brown Pelican
Woodstork, Little Estero Lagoon
Foster's Tern, Big Carlos Pass
That YouTube Guy, Little Estero Lagoon
Sandhill Crane, Harns Marsh
Savannah Sparrow, Harns Marsh
Northern Parula, Corkscrew Bird Sanctuary
Blue Headed Vireo, Corkscrew Bird Sanctuary
Northern Parula, through a Fern Frond
Black & White Warbler, Point Ybel, Sanibel
Red Shouldered hawk, through the morning fog, CREW.
Temperature dropped to 37F that morning !
Swallow Tail Kite welcomes us to CREW.
Common Yellow Throat. A very secretive bird !
Pileated Woodpecker, CREW
Eastern Phoebe, CREW
Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher, CREW
American Bittern, CREW
Raccoon, aka Trash Panda
White Eyed Vireo, CREW
Gulf Frittilary
Female Painted Bunting, CREW
Alligator Mama with hatchlings, Corkscrew Swamp
Red Shouldered Hawks, Corkscrew Swamp
Tufted Titmouse, Corkscrew Swamp
Pileated Woodpecker, CREW
Tim at Briggs Boardwalk
Green Heron and Tri-Color Heron in a small dispute
Northen Parula, with a tasty morsel.
Palm Warbler with Dragonfly.
Burrowing Owl, Marco Island
Yellow Pine Warbler
Tim Boyer, Jim Robellard & me, Marsh Trail, Ten Thousand Islands
Black-necked Stilt, Marsh Trail
Blue Winged Teal, Marsh Trail
Black Capped Night Heron
Northern Flicker, behind TJ Maxx at Coconut Point
Cear Waxwing
Cedar Waxwings, Coconut Point
The Cedar Waxwing Choir
Cedar Waxwings, Coconut Point